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2022-12-22 19:18来源:网络本地 0人已围观

摘要最近美国政坛密集地发生一些重大的事情,下面逐一说一下。 House passes Democrats' climate and health care bill,...


  1. House passes Democrats climate and health care bill, sending it to Bidens desk美国国会近日通过了民主党的《气候和健康法案》,只待拜登签字。Washington — Democrats in the House on Friday pushed their more than $700 billion domestic policy package across the finish line, sending to President Biden for his signature their long-negotiated plan to address drug costs, raise taxes on large corporations and combat global warming. 华盛顿——本周五,民主党人终于将7000亿的国内政策包推进到最后一步,经过漫长的谈判现在此法案已经送到拜登的办公桌前,只差签字生效。该法案旨在解决药物成本、提高对大企业的税收、应对全球变暖等多个方面发挥作用。Passage of the proposal, now by both chambers of Congress, marks the end of a long-fought effort by Democrats to approve legislation that addresses Mr. Bidens top domestic and great economic priorities. While the package is the result of a compromise that yielded a measure more narrow than the initial sprawling social spending plan put forth by the president last year, its approval gives Democrats a crucial legislative win ahead of the November midterm elections.参众两院双双通过这项提议意味着民主党长期的努力有了回报。这是本届拜登对着手解决的美国国内民生经济方面的无疑是至关重要的。最终通过的法案是一个妥协的版本,此前总统提交的是涵盖范围更广财政预算。此项法案顺利通过也是民主党的一次重大胜利,给即将11月的中期选举提供了重要的帮助。单词:compromise:妥协sprawling:大水漫灌式的,sprawl
  1. Trump ‘s Mar-a-Lago 海湖庄园The federal government is investigating former President Trump for potential violation of three criminal statutes, including the Espionage Act, according to the unsealed search warrant that was executed at Trumps Mar-a-Lago residence Monday.根据未经证实的搜查令显示,联邦政府正在调查前总统川普涉嫌违反三项法律,包括间谍法。搜查令批准了周一FBI在川普的海湖庄园的搜查。

FBI agents seized 11 sets of documents from Trumps Palm Beach club on Monday, including documents identified as "Various classified/TS/SCI documents," according to the inventory unsealed Friday. The list of items taken also notes that agents carted away four sets of documents marked "top-secret," three sets of documents marked "secret" and three sets documents marked "confidential."美国联邦调查局FBI探员在周一,从川普的棕榈滩俱乐部带走了11份文件。文件上分别标有不同机密等级(TS/SCI)。带走的文件列表中还有3份标注为“最高机密”,3份标注为“保密”。SCI:Sensitive Compartmented Information According to the federal regulations governing classification, "confidential" denotes the lowest rung. Information at this level could, if wrongly disclosed, cause "identifiable damage" to national security. "The next level, "secret" information, could cause serious damage to national security if wrongly disclosed. The "top secret" designation is reserved for material whose unauthorized disclosure could cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security.根据联邦法律规定的涉密等级,Confidenital是最低一等。在这一级的文件的泄密会对国家安全造成明确的伤害。下一个等级是Secret,泄密将会严重伤害国家安全。“Top Secret”是最高级,此类文件如未经官方认可而泄露的话,将会对国家安全造成重大负面伤害。单词:Search warrant: 搜查令Mar-a-Lago:西班牙语的海和湖,比如Marine海生的,海军陆战队carted:用车装走rung:梯子的横档,lowest rung,就是最低的那一档

3. Chip act芯片法案

President Joe Biden signed into law a bipartisan bill that aims to boost U.S. competitiveness with China.乔·拜登签署了一项两党都支持的芯片法案,旨在促进美国在该领域对中国的竞争力。

The bill, dubbed the Chips and Science Act, includes more than $52 billion for U.S. companies producing computer chips, as well as billions more in tax credits to encourage investment in semiconductor manufacturing. 此项法案被称为“芯片科学法案”,金额超过520亿美元,帮助美国公司在本土制造芯片,也包括数十亿美元的减税措施,鼓励半导体工厂投资建厂。


tax credit:减税,credit 指信用,Credit Card就是信用卡的意思
